Massages in Thailand

intercontinentalbkk - 33mHotel Intercontinental Bangkok

Well, everybody knows that if there’s something you really have to try in Thailand are the massages, right?
This country is known in the entire world as being the country of massages.

There are massages for every taste (really every single one!), including the bad reputation ones, I chose to try the relaxation ones and the traditional Thai massage.

Massages are as old as mankind, there are records dating from around 3000 BC and it’s easy to understand why it is so ancient, what’s your action when you feel some pain? You go there straight with your hands and apply some pressure, rub the area… in other words, you massage it!

The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Chinese seem to be the pioneers of this art, once the oldest records belong to them.
As to the Thai massage there’s not a known exact origin, it is thought that it possibly originated in India.

But history aside, I can assure you the massages I had the pleasure to receive in Thailand where, with no doubt, the best ever!

intercontinentalbkk - 37The first experience happened at the Hotel Intercontinental Bangkok. The space was perfect, a wide room, well decorated in a modern style with some Asian notes, warm and appealing to relaxation by itself. It started with a ritual in the feet, which I loved and after I was accompanied to the marquise to an hour long massage. I was marveled with the touch/pressure used and the surrounding environment of all the massage. (see more).

oasis - 5Hotel Oasis Baan Saen Doi Spa Resort

After initiating the good life of massages in Thailand, I went to my second experience, at the Oasis Baan Saen Doi Spa Resort, in Chiang Mai, here everything matched perfectly, or wouldn’t this be a Spa Hotel. I chose the traditional Thai massage with the duration of two hours, it’s not quite my style, I’m convinced of my soreness, but I had to try it. Perfectly done massage, it hurts but also causes a full sensation of well-being, perfect to lighten the tension from the daily life. This traditional massage is a must try! The Oasis Baan Saen Doi Spa Resort is an expert in materializing true massage experiences, the environment is unique, the decoration appeals to relaxation, the Lanna style Spa is gorgeous and the massage was completely revitalizing.  (see more).

jwmarriottkhaolak - 22 Quan Spa at JW Marriott Khao Lak

Last, but not least, on the contrary, I considered my best experience, in a Spa context, to be at the Quan Spa at the JW Marriott Resort in Khao Lak. I discovered the paradise on Earth, definitely!
The entire Resort is perfect, therefore, the Spa couldn’t fall behind. The sensation I had while entering the complex was to be entering a parallel universe, a world apart… Here I had the chance to experiment a relaxation massage, similar to my previous experiences, the massage was awesome, the touch completely adapted to the client taste, the way we’re treated is perfect and the environment is prepared to receive us like princes and princesses! And, at the end, I received a beautiful hairstyle (the therapist made me a very artistic braid)! (see more)

Chiang Mai - 54 Massages at Sunday Market in Chiang Mai

But not only of Hotel Spas lives Thailand, on the contrary, we can find massages in every corner, really everywhere, on the streets, beaches, on the different markets that are held in various cities, like the Sunday Market in Chiang Mai, where the massages to the legs are one of the highlights, and at every two doors there’s a massage house, everywhere we look there’s a little spa, some more charming and some more suspicious, some more appealing and some more mysterious… For every taste and for course, for every pocket! And of one thing you can be sure, there’s no other place in the world with such amazing and accessible massages as Thailand!

So, if you go to Thailand you really have to try a massage, these are not just a business associated with tourist hunting, they are one of the maximum culture highlights of this unique country.

Related Posts:
– Hotel Intercontinental Bangkok
– JW Marriott Khao Lak
– Hotel Oasis Baan Saen Doi Spa Resort
– Sunday Market

Text: Cíntia Oliveira | Photos: Flavors & Senses

Flavors & Senses in Thailand with the support of Emirates.

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