We ended our 2018 travels on the African continent. It was our first time in Africa and it was a pleasant surprise, mostly for me because I had no expectations. I must…

We ended our 2018 travels on the African continent. It was our first time in Africa and it was a pleasant surprise, mostly for me because I had no expectations. I must…
2018 was a great year, full of changes and also lots of success, but success comes with a lot of work, so it was also a very exhausting year! And sometimes that…
Lausanne was founded by Romans next to the lake, in the I century. Later, the population would move to the hills, to be safer. Here is nowadays located the beautiful and magical…
Located in central Switzerland, the geographic and historic center of the country, Lucerne is one of those cities taken straight out of a fairy tale. It’s the biggest of central Switzerland, situated in…
Pompeii’s ruins with Vesuvius in the background Located very closely to Naples, Pompeii was once a true and important city of the Roman Empire, similarly to other Italian cities, it would for…
Sick traffic, a confusion, curves and more curves, and a huge amount of people characterise the Amalfi Coast! At first you might think this not a very positive view over one of the…
Piazza Della Republica Returning to paradise… I’m sorry, Tuscany! Those who know this Blog are aware of our love for Italy, more precisely for Tuscany, and by the time of our 2013…
After a memorable trip in the perfect Singapore, and the spiritual Bali, and before heading home, we made a quick stop in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. It’s the biggest city in…
As I said on the previous article (see) , we travelled among three regions of Bali – Ubud, Ungasan (Bukit’s Peninsula) and Seminyak. So, this Top 20 will be essentially about places to visit, and activities…